Technical Support

America’s Best Products… with Premium Support

What good is a CNC system if you don’t know how to use it? We offer free, 1-on-1 training by phone & internet. Learn at your own pace, when it’s convenient for you. No matter if you are a professional fabricator or a weekend hobbyist, our systems are designed to work as hard as you do. They’re built to last and we stand behind them with lifetime support.

We offer training on how to use your cutter to set the current and speed to achieve the best cut quality. Our software training on Qcad drawing software and MyPlasm CNC is also available with no limit to training time.

Call from 7am to 10pm Central Time 7days at 870-427-2421 training line. We will be there to help. Training is by phone with the use of a remote computer connection. We will see your screen or you can see our screen. Training is responsive to your needs… you set the pace. We have found learning is best when the student is the one controlling the computer, and the teacher’s pointer appears on your screen to show what to due next!

You will need a Session ID to start a Support Session.

Please contact Technical Support at 870.427.2421 to request a Session ID… then click the button below to start!